
“I create illustrations in a search of depth, balance, aesthetic and expressing vibrant emotions through colors. I explore and get inspired by the various representations of our reality in art, films, myths, stories, dreams, visions and symbols. My goal is to make feel-good images that we can all relate to and enjoy.”

Maite Leon is an artist illustrator. Of French-Greek origin, she lives and works in Paris. 

She grew up in Athens, Greece. She arrived in France in 1991 to study linguistics at Paris X. In 1995, she trained in visual communications at the Ecole supérieure des arts appliqués Duperré. Her career then diversified into a number of creative industries (Sony Music France, Disney Interactive Studios) and publishing (J’ai lu, Hatier). After fifteen years of Greek-French subtitling (Arte, Titra-film), she becomes Plantu’s collaborator at newspaper Le Monde for twelve years. With him, she wrote a dozen collections of published press cartoon books (Éd. du Seuil), and archived his collection of almost 30,000 original drawings, now stored at the Bibliothèque nationale de France.

Since 2021, she works full time as an artist and illustrator.

She explores everyday life to reveal the beauty of what surrounds us through a surreal, symbolic and pop approach. She questions the way we look at reality in order to awaken the viewer’s attention to the singularity of the present moment: “Beauty is hidden in the details”. Her dreamy images unravel our imagination, make us think or smile. In this way, she encourages us to question our perception of things, people and the world around us.

Her figurative work is inspired by the exploration of human nature, dreams, and symbols drawn from Greek mythology, cinema, fairytales and everyday life. From what touches her personally, she draws images that resonate universally, creating meaning and connection. This quest for universality is at the heart of her artistic work, and of her multicultural identity.

She sketches out her ideas on paper, using pencils and pens, then moves on to drawing them digitally. She carries out extensive research into the materials and textures she creates in ink or watercolor and adds them to her compositions using Photoshop. The final images are digital and come in various high-definition formats and fine art prints.

Her compositions are vibrant, with intense colors with the velvety texture of digital pastels who give a warm, organic feel. Her images, are both aesthetic and mysterious, and invite viewers to share her sensory vision of the world and drift towards the uncharted imaginary shores of our inner depths.


Photo Portrait endowment, ADAGP
Mentoring program with Forum des Images and ESRA (6 months)
The “Neighbours Gallery” with Expos to Day at Franprix Condorcet (Paris 17e)
The “Neighbours Gallery” with Expos to Day at Franprix Belgrand (Paris 20e)

The “Neighbours Gallery” with Expos to Day at Franprix Condorcet (Paris 17e)
The “Neighbours Gallery” with Expos to Day at Franprix Belgrand (Paris 20e)
Openbach Gallery, Summer Art residency 2024 (May-June), (Vincennes)
2023 Mirror-Mirrors, Self-portraits online projet initiated by French artist Magali Cazo, (Paris)


The Time of Dreams, Centre Paris Anim’ Maurice Ravel (Paris 12e)
Artistic Card Game (ATCG)
, Openbach Gallery (Vincennes)
Summer Art Residents’ exhibition, Openbach Gallery (Vincennes)
Art & Sport online virtual exhibition with La Maison des Artistes for the Olympic Games (FR)

Beaux-Arts : L’Objet, Espace Culturel Gabriel, Viry-Chatillon (FR)
Portes Ouvertes des Ateliers d’artistes de Ménilmontant, Paris (FR)
Visions of Forced Labour, Palais des Nations Unies Genève, Suisse (CH)
Conservatoire Municipal Georges Bizet, Paris (FR)

2012-2019 Portes Ouvertes des Ateliers d’artistes de Ménilmontant, Paris (FR)
2010 Small formats in New York, The Art Gallery (US)
2009 Salon Art Shopping, Carrousel du Louvre (FR)


La Maison des Artistes / Artistes Contemporains / ADAGP / ATAA